3 dancers on stage – 2020 creation
‘If the flap of a butterfly’s wings can be instrumental in generating a tornado, it can equally well be instrumental in preventing a tornado.’ Edward E. Lorenz
When I was young, my family saw me as very shy, timid and mostly stepping back. I wouldn’t be able to utter any words, especially in public.
Then, I started dancing.
With my body as a poetic weapon I sharpen every day, I have learned to express, to tell what unravels me inside, to share my questions and my vision. People, ideas, trajectories, bodies and perceptions… The others influence what we are, what we do and how we do it. Nothing is set in stone, everything moves and changes.
So what is this voice in our heads that sometimes murmurs of foolish ideas, suggests improbable meetings and often shifts our vision to another point of view ? Why do our ways cross, minds rubs and bodies warm up ? What makes a word a world of wondrous possibilities and can carry us, we and the others, to undreamt-of horizons ?
In Miracles I do no not speak of unexplained facts that could be linked to the divine. I speak of dance and the link it has with hat we see, hear and feel. Of dance under influence, as a reaction to other elements.
Bodies are connecting, feeling one another, sometimes hurting but eventually creating new spaces to discover. Three dancers and a scenic module explore the question of interdependence, as a means of disruption as well as improvement.
Bouba Landrille Tchouda
copyright Camille Triadou
choreographer bouba landrille tchouda / assistant lyli gauthier / with annelise pizot, razy essid (fever), noah mgbélé timothée (ekilibro) / music yvan talbot / scenography rodrigue glombard / light manager fabrice crouzet / costumes claude murgia / sound manager victor severino / press elektronlibre – olivier saksik
2023 tour dates
April 28th
Espace Paul Jargot – Crolles (38)
2022 tour dates
April 8th
théâtre des quartiers d’Ivry (94)
April 9th
théâtre des quartiers d’Ivry (94)
April 10th
théâtre des quartiers d’Ivry (94)
From July 8th to 19th
La Manufacture – Avignon (84) as part of Festival Off
October 21st
Théâtre de La Mure (38)
December 3rd
L’Encre, scène nationale – Cayenne (973)
2021 tour dates
June 4th
Le Diapason – Saint-Marcellin (38)
June 22nd
Espace Culturel Boris Vian – Les Ulis (91) as part of Les Rencontres Essonne Danse 2021
November 16th
Maison de la Culture de Créteil (94) as part of Festival Kalypso
November 18th
Théâtre Municipal de Grenoble (38)
November 19th
Théâtre Municipal de Grenoble (38)
2020 tour dates
October 15th
Le Rive Gauche – Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (76)
November 10th (put off to March 12th)
Le Grand Angle – Voiron (38)
November 12th (put off to late 2021)
Théâtre Municipal de Grenoble (38)
November 13th (put off to late 2021)
Théâtre Municipal de Grenoble (38)